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员工评议会约章 查看PDF


The 员工委员会 contributes to the success of 和记棋牌娱乐 by supporting the University mission and strategy. The Council serves to facilitate effective communication and engagement between University 工作人员 and the University President, 校董会, 西北领导团队, 和人力资源办公室.


每个西北航空公司的员工都有发言权, 积极的影响, 觉得自己是这个机构的重要成员.


  • 协作
  • 战略思考
  • 包容的文化
  • 员工的满意度
  • 沟通


  • Collaborate with stakeholders to help create an inclusive campus community, 并有效地倡导和沟通更新, 担忧, 以及影响大学员工的建议.
  • Gather and report feedback to leadership from 工作人员 regarding the 员工敬业度 Survey results
  • Provide recommendations to the Office of 人力资源 and 西北领导团队 regarding the Employee Handbook.
  • Communicate all 工作人员-related matters to represented areas, 包括, 但不限于:
    • 分发员工议会会议记录
    • 可能影响员工的潜在变化
    • 理事会活动及活动
  • 在理事会主席负责的委员会任职, 如果有必要的话,可能还会有其他特别委员会


  • Provide a clear flow of information between all stakeholders in matters concerning employees represented by this Council.
  • Align Council initiatives with University strategic goals and objective
  • 为个人提供发展领导能力的机会.


Employees not represented by Faculty Senate or members of the 西北领导团队 are eligible to be members of the 员工委员会. 会员 will be assigned with a 1:20 ratio under each member of the 西北领导团队 (NLT) with less than 100 工作人员 underneath them. 会员 will be assigned a 1:20 ratio to the direct report of the NLT members with 100 or more 工作人员. It is the goal of the Council to achieve a minority representation of at least 20% of the Council. 因此, one seat will always be given to a representative of the Office of 多样性 and Inclusion. 如果这个百分比不能通过选举过程实现, the policy committee will work with University affinity groups and assign at-large members to achieve the desired percentage. 应尽一切努力使所有地区都有代表. Members on the 员工委员会 will be responsible for communicating information back to their respective NLT areas.


除头两年外,任期交错两年. 已确定的成员的成员资格将要求术语重叠.  个人将被限制为连续两届. 工作人员在离职两年后将有资格再次任职.

The Council will arrange a meeting time that meets the needs of all representatives of the Council.


The committee will work in conjunction with the Assistant Vice President of 人力资源 by driving conversations within the Council to reach a general consensus on decisions and issues. The members will not serve on additional 员工委员会 committees, unless specifically appointed. 委员将担任以下职务:

  • 委员会主席: The Chair will serve as the administrator presiding at all meetings and will be responsible for meeting arrangements, 议程, 和通知. The Chair will report to the 校董会 and represent the Council at Extended Leadership Team.
  • Chair-elect: The Chair-elect will serve as the backup for the Chair in his/her absence. They will be responsible for the oversight of the operating and scholarship budget and communication of spending activity and balance. This position will coordinate with the Committee Secretary to monitor Council attendance. The Chair-elect will represent the Council at Extended Leadership Team meetings. This position will also attend the 政策委员会 meetings during time of elections. 这一职位仅由1岁以上的会员担任st 2项,nd 年或在他们的2nd 术语.
  • 过去的椅子: 前任主席将担任执行委员会的顾问. 前任主席的任期为一年.
  • 委员会秘书: The Secretary will be responsible for creating the 议程 and recording the meeting minutes. 该职位将负责考勤记录.
  • 沟通的椅子: The 沟通 Chair will update social media and the 员工委员会 webpage. 除了, this position will be responsible for updating information on 西北在线 和人力资源办公室’ newsletter.

This committee will seek and appoint representatives to various committees for strategic and University operations as well as organizational structure support that will report back to the committee. The current committees charged may change depending on the needs of this committee and the approval of the other Council members.


员工敬业度 & 认可委员会

  • 协助计划员工满意度调查的行动.
  • Coordinate with the Office of 人力资源 to increase employee engagement
  • 为新员工制定、实施和监督培训计划.
    • Match new 工作人员 with experienced Northwest employees to acquaint them with University functions, 办公室, 和文化.
  • Plan and manage events for the State Employee Recognition Week and other employee socialization and collaboration events, 包括, 但不限于, 员工嘉许晚宴.


  • Plan and manage a fundraising event each 术语 where proceeds go towards the Northwest Staff Scholarship fund.
  • Annually gather and submit a 工作人员 recipient, as noted in the Scholarship Agreement.
  • Coordinate with University Advancement for the Annual Faculty/Staff Giving Campaign to promote philanthropic giving.
  • Attend and assist University Advancement with the Holiday Coffee event at the 校友 House.


  • 审查并对政策变更提出建议, 包括员工手册的修改, 处理委员会成员向立法会提出的问题, 工作人员, 人力资源, 和/或领导.
  • 收集职员评议会提名.
    • 通知每个区域, 各自地区领先, and 西北领导团队 member of the number of positions that are open and the length of each 术语. The leaders of each area will ensure nominations and submit the representatives, 政策委员会委员.
    • 创建一个理事会成员列表, 有委任期限, 让秘书发布到网站上.
    • 为职员评议会物色新成员, 如有会员离校, 或者腾出一个职位.
  • Annually review the 员工评议会约章 and suggest edits to be made for necessayr update

多样性 & 包含委员会

  • 在气候谘询委员会中代表职员委员会
  • 在共融委员会中代表员工议会
  • 执行员工评议会DI行动计划


  • 员工评议会的成效: 净正变化
  • 奖学金基金: 净正变化
  • 员工给: 净正变化