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Printers & Copiers

Printers & Copiers

Northwest provides networked printers and copiers in all relevant campus buildings, 包括在宿舍的前台.

You, Northwest Technology & Printing

  • 和记棋牌娱乐允许使用个人打印机,但不是必需的.
    • The vast majority of assignments and exams are submitted electronically and thus, are paperless.
  • University networked printers are available almost everywhere on campus such as the front desks of each residence hall and in public spaces like B.D. 欧文斯图书馆和车站.
    • Printing to a University networked printer does not require payment at time of printing.
    • 用户将打印到校园联网打印机上 PERI print server are auto-billed by their login credentials for the size of their print job.
      • 黑白印刷是每页10美分.
      • 彩色印刷每页25美分.
      • Your specific printing charges will appear on your University bill the next business day.
  • 允许使用个人打印机 only on the Northwest wired network.

Connecting your residence hall networked printer with your University provided laptop computer is simple and won't take up much of your time.  Printing to a campus printer is currently 10 cents per black and white page and will be auto-billed to your individual university account.

To install your residence hall printer to your campus-issued laptop computer, follow these steps:

  • 打开你的笔记本电脑,用你的 Northwest Network Account username and password.
  • Click Start.
  • 在“Windows搜索”中输入 \\PERI and press Enter.  
    • 其他打印服务器可供教职员工使用(NOID) & PETE).
  • 在即将出现的窗口中, double-click on the 要安装的特定打印机的图标.
  • Once the printer has been installed, a print queue window will open. 一旦那个窗口打开了, you can close it and all previous windows that were opened to install the printer.

打印机现在将安装在您的计算机上 Devices and Printers 文件夹,您可以通过单击来访问它 Devices and Printers on the Start menu.


  • Open Devices and Printers using any of these methods:
  1. Windows 10:在“搜索”文本框中输入Device and Printers,按“Enter”, 然后单击“设备和打印机”菜单项.
  2. Windows 10热键组合: Press the Windows symbol key and the R key at the same time, the Run window will appear,  type control printers in the textbox, click OK or press Enter, and the Devices and Printers window open.
  • Click Add a printer.
  • Click 添加网络、无线或蓝牙打印机.
  • Click on the link:  我要的打印机不在名单上.



  • You will need to download the appropriate print driver if you want to connect to a campus printer
    • 为了这些说明的目的, you will need to install a Northwest networked printer and not a personally-purchased one.
    • 如果您正在安装不同的打印机(如利盟T640), T650 or a Xerox Copier) you will have to download that specific driver from the manufacturer’s website.
  • Go to
  • Enter your printer type in the For support select or enter your product in the textbox. Example: Lexmark T650
  • Click Go.
  • 单击为您的打印机提供的链接, which usually appears beneath a picture of the printer in question, 然后将打开一个特定于您的打印机类型的窗口.
  • Click the Downloads tab.
  • Select an Operating System by clicking on the black arrow and choosing Macintosh in the dropdown menu.
  • 然后,选择您的Macintosh版本 Please Select Version drop-down menu. ExampleMac OS X 10.8 or Mac OS X 10.x.x. (this example may not be your version, so be sure you have your correct version)
  • Do not use just any version! Use your specific version (like 10.7 or 10.6)
    • If you don’t know the version you have click the Apple icon in the very upper top left corner of your screen on your computer (NOT in the browser window) and then click about this mac and you will see the version you are using.
  • 接下来,单击中间过滤器 button 在右边,你应该看到你的特定版本的MAC OS.
  • 选择特定版本后,单击 link for the printer driver 这就是你的版本.
  • Click the link for your recommended driver. ExamplePrinter Driver for 10.6.8 and later Mac OS  (this example may not be your version, so be sure you have your correct version)
  • 将出现一个弹出窗口,向下滚动并单击 Download.


  • 下载完成后,关闭浏览器并单击 Downloads icon.
  • Open the downloaded .dmg file.
  • Double click the .mpkg 文件并按照屏幕上的说明安装驱动程序.


  • Open System preferences and choose the Print & Scan menu
    • Make sure the lock is unlocked 在窗口的左下角
    • If it is locked, click the lock and type in the administrator password to unlock it.
  • Click the “+” button 在左侧,如果提示,选择添加其他打印机或扫描仪.
  • At the top of the screen control click the defaulticon and select customize toolbar…
  • Click and drag the advanced icon above to the toolbar and click Done.
  • Click advanced.
    • 你可能要等一分钟才能载入
  • Under the type dropdown menu choose Windowsprinter via spools
    • Ignore the Device dropdown menu.
  • Click in the URL (Address) textbox.
  • To connect to the Peri print server type: smb:// name
  • Example: smb://
    • 64_CHHallP 在戈登大厅有一台打印机吗.  请务必添加正确的打印机 Peri that you want to actually print to and not just add the example provided.
  • To connect to the Noid print server (faculty/staff only) type: smb:// name
    • Examplesmb://
      • FA101C 有个印刷工在美术学院吗.  请务必添加正确的打印机 Noid that you want to actually print to and not just add the example provided.
  • 在驱动程序选择菜单中,选择 Printer Software.
  • Search list for the Lexmark printer you need and then add the appropriate printer.

Installation should now be complete and the printer should be available for your use.  If not, retry the steps to make sure you didn't overlook a step or download the wrong driver.

安装用于复制的网络复印机 & Printing - Faculty & Staff Only

Windows Instructions:

  • Login to your computer with your Northwest network username and password.
  • In the Windows Search box, type \\Pete and press Enter.  (Use the backslash ( ) above the Enter key.)
  • In the window that appears, double-点击要安装的XeroxFollowMe图标.

Xerox Installation

  • 安装将需要几分钟.
  • Once the copier has been installed, a print queue window will open.

Xerox Printing

  • 要将此复印机/打印机设置为默认值,请单击 Printer 在打印队列窗口的顶部,然后单击 Set as default printer.
  • 如果需要自定义默认值,请单击 Printer and then click Printing Preferences.
  • 要访问打印队列窗口,请键入 Devices and Printers in the search box.  Then, double-click the printer icon.
  • You will need to set-up your account on the Xerox Copier with your Bearcat ID to finish the set-up process.
  • 之后,您将能够打印到施乐复印机.

MAC Instructions:

Download the macOS通用打印驱动程序安装程序 by going to the following Xerox web page

  • Click “macOS通用打印驱动程序安装程序”.
  • Click Accept 在下一页开始下载.
  • Double Click the .dmg file and then double-click on the .pkg file to run the installer.
  • Click through the installer and at the end when it tries to add a printer, click Continue without selecting a printer.
  • Click Continue 第二次完成安装程序

Note:  If you need assistance with your MAC and the Xerox printer, please call the Information Technology (IT) Help Desk at 660.562.1634.

Adding a Xerox is very similar to adding a networked printer on campus.  按照以下说明成功添加复印机: 

  • Go to System Preferences.
  • Click on Printers & Scanners.
  • Click the + and select Add Printer.
  • Click Advanced.
    • If you don’t see Advanced right-click/two-finger click the tool bar and select customize toolbar from the drop down menu.  Next, drag the Advanced icon to the toolbar.
  • 输入或选择以下信息:
    • Type:  Windows printer via spools
    • URL: smb://
    • Name: XeroxFollowMe
    • Use: 选择Xerox AltaLink C8045


  • Click Add.
    • 所有施乐机器都有以下功能:
      • Paper Trays:  5
      • Feeder: Installed
      • Finisher: Office Finsher LX

Install Paper Cut Client:


  • Click the Finder icon PaperCut.jpg  in the Dock
  • On the Menu Bar, choose Go > Connect to Server
  • In the url bar type: SMB://pete
  • Click Connect
  • Change the name to your Northwest username, type your password and click connect.
  • Have PCClient highlighted and click OK
  • Select PCClient
  • Open the Mac folder
  • Copy to the Applications folder
  • Open the Paper Cut client by double clicking

当应用程序运行时,将会有一个 PaperCut2.jpg  图标在菜单栏上,当剪纸客户端正在运行.

Every time you logout or reboot your mac you will need to make sure Paper Cut Client is running before you print to the copiers, 否则,打印作业将不会发送到打印机

The following sections give directions on how to install the university networked printers.  这些部分是基于设备操作系统和所有权的.  All directions require that the device is on campus and connected to the NWMSU_Secure Wi-Fi or the wired network.


  1. Click Start (左下角的Windows图标).
  2. 在“Windows搜索”框中输入 \\peri and press Enter.
  3. In the window that opens, double-click on the icon for the printer you want to install.
    • Most printers available for student printing have a placard on the front or nearby with the name of the printer.
    • Print queues are commonly named by building and room location of the printer.
  4. Once the printer has been installed, a print queue window will open.  一旦打印队列窗口打开, you can close it and all previous windows that were opened to install the printer.



Apple iOS Computer (Mac)

  1.  打开网页浏览器,转到 http://peri:9163/setup.
  2. Click the green Download button.
  3. Click Allow if asked to allow downloads.
  4. Open the downloads folder.
  5. 双击下载的文件.
    • The file should be named pc-mobility-print-printer-setup-x.x.xx[peri].dmg.
  6. Double-click PaperCut移动打印客户端.pkg.
  7. 在“安装程序”窗口中,单击 Continue.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Click Agree.
  10. Click Install.
  11. Enter the password for your device.
  12. Click Install Software.
  13. 一旦你看到一个绿色的复选标记和短语 安装成功, click Close.
  14. If prompted, click Move to Trash.
  15. 关闭为安装打印队列而打开的所有窗口.


  1.  使用以下选项之一登录施乐.
    • Swipe your Bearcat ID card.
    • 选择屏幕上的键盘图标.  Enter your Northwest Network Account username and password.
  2. Select Print Release.
  3. Select the print job(s) you want to print or the select all option.
  4. Select Print.

The 西北技术服务中心 does not support or repair personal printers and wireless printers are not allowed to connected to Northwest WiFi. Please use your personal printer on the wired network only and disable wireless entirely if that is an option.

  • If you need to print and cannot install your personally-purchased printer, please connect to a Northwest networked printer for your printing needs. 安装西北网络打印机既简单又快速.


  • Printer set-up instructions may vary depending on operating system and model of printer.
  • Follow the printer set-up instructions provided with your personal printer.

Connect the printer to your computer following the manufacturer's instructions. Microsoft
Windows将尝试自动安装打印机. 如果Windows不能自动
install it, or if you've previously removed the printer and want to add it again, please follow
these directions:

  • Go to the Control Panel
  • Go to Devices and Printers
  • Click the Add 打印向导中的打印机选项
  • Select Add a local printer
  • 在“选择打印机端口”页面中,选择 Use an existing port
  • 选择推荐的打印机端口. 示例:LPT1:(打印机端口)
  • Click Next
  • On the install the printer driver 页,选择打印机制造商和型号
  • 单击Next并按照指示继续.

If your printer is not listed but you have the manufacturer's installation CD or download details, 参考制造商的说明. You can also typically download the driver from you printer manufacturer’s web site.

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