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11月. 7, 2023


和记棋牌娱乐 Student Media received numerous accolades Oct. 29日至11月. 2 in Atlanta during the Fall National College Media Convention sponsored by Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) and the College Media Association (CMA).

Northwest students gain profession-based experience in radio broadcasting by working with the student-managed KZLX as well as National Public Radio-affiliate KXCV. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://hsozhb.sh-fyz.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Northwest students gain profession-based experience in radio broadcasting by working with the student-managed KZLX as well as National Public Radio-affiliate KXCV. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

The Northwest Missourian student newspaper and Tower yearbook occupy a newsroom in the lower level of Wells Hall. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/<a href='http://hsozhb.sh-fyz.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

The Northwest Missourian student newspaper and Tower yearbook occupy a newsroom in the lower level of Wells Hall. (图片来源:Lauren Adams/和记棋牌娱乐)

Northwest students have opportunities to practice television production through opportunities with KNWT. (图片来源:Chandu Ravi Krishna/<a href='http://hsozhb.sh-fyz.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Northwest students have opportunities to practice television production through opportunities with KNWT. (图片来源:Chandu Ravi Krishna/和记棋牌娱乐)

KNWT第八频道, KZLX广播, The Northwest Missourian student newspaper and Tower yearbook returned to Maryville with a total of 31 organizational and individual CMA Pinnacle Awards, 哪些代表了全国最好的学生媒体工作.

除了11个第一名的荣誉,个别员工, Tower yearbook received first place among books published by schools with enrollments of 9,999及以下. The Northwest Missourian website earned second place in the Website of the Year category for schools with enrollments between 3,000和9,999 students; KNWT received second place in the TV Station of the Year category.

Northwest student media organizations also received numerous ACP Best in Show honors presented to schools attending the convention, 包括最佳年鉴第二名, fourth place for Best Newspaper and Fifth Place for “Channel 8 News” in the Broadcast News Program category. 

史蒂文Chappell, who has served as Northwest’s director of student publications since 2012 and has more than 25 years of college newspaper advising experience, 也入选了CMA的John A. 博伊德名人堂.

“For Northwest to return from the Fall National College Media Convention with more than 40 awards is just a testament to the talent level our student media cultivate, not to mention the talent of our mass media faculty who teach them in the classroom and empower them with the skills to step into our media spaces and produce content that competes with the largest and best-known programs across the country,查佩尔说. “没有什么, 在我看来, 展示了和记棋牌娱乐对“职业准备”的承诺, Day One比和记棋牌娱乐的学生媒体项目要好.” 

The awards and honors received by Northwest student media in Atlanta add to recognition Northwest students received Oct. 12-14 during the College Media Business and 广告 Managers Convention in Minneapolis. 在那里, Northwest students received a third-place award for Best Sales Incentive Program and an honorable mention for Best Seasonal Sales Promotion.

A complete listing of awards received by Northwest student media organizations and individual staff members at the Fall National College Media Convention is provided below.


  • Fourth place, Broadcast Feature Story: Jason Holland, “Harris Carries the Bearcats” (KNWT)
  • 《和记娱乐ios》第二名:凯莱布·艾伦《和记棋牌娱乐》
  • 第五名, 报纸设计:Savannah Athy-Sedbrook和Julianna Lawrence, 《和记娱乐ios》(The Northwest missouri)
  • 季军,年鉴设计:伊丽莎白·布莱特韦尔,《和记娱乐ios》(塔式)
  • Third place, Best 广告 Media Kit, four-year colleges: Northwest Student Media
  • 广播类和记娱乐ios节目第五名:KNWT《第八频道和记娱乐ios》
  • Fourth Place, Best Newspaper (15,000 students or fewer): The Northwest Missourian
  • 最佳年鉴第二名:《塔


  • 长篇纪录片类第三名:莱利·惠廷顿(Riley Whittington)《It Takes All Kinds》(KNWT)
  • 和记娱乐ios广播类荣誉奖:《第八频道和记娱乐ios》(Channel 8 News)凯琳·拜兰德

组织CMA Pinnacle奖项

  • Second place, Newspaper Website of the Year (3,000-9,999 enrollment): The Northwest Missourian
  • 年度年鉴第一名(9999及以下):塔
  • 第二名,年度电视台:KNWT

CMA Pinnacle个人奖项

  • Second place, Best Editorial Cartoon: Alexandria Mesz, “第九条” (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 首先, Best Editorial Illustration: Emily Kunkel and Addalynn Bradbury, “BSA Bonded” (Tower)
  • 首先, 最佳报纸评论版面:MaKayla Polak, 《和记棋牌娱乐》(The Northwest missouri)
  • 首先, Best Newspaper 体育 Page/Spread: MaKayla Polak, “Upset” (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 首先, Best Special Section/Cover: Elizabeth Brightwell, “Faces of Debt” (Tower)
  • 季军:艾米丽·昆克尔(《和记娱乐ios》)
  • 首先, Best Yearbook Entertainment Page/Spread: Nicole Dietzenbach, “Dancing Cats” (Tower)
  • 首先, Best Yearbook Feature Page/Spread: Cecelia Nguyen, “Under the Surface” (Tower)
  • 季军:Emily Kunkel,《和记娱乐ios》(Tower)
  • Third place, Best Yearbook 体育 Page/Spread: Nicole Dietzenbach, “Northwest to NFL” (Tower)
  • 荣誉奖, Best Multimedia Ad Campaign: Vanessa Weiler and Jerilynn Hoover (The Northwest Missourian)
  • Third Place, Best Rate Card/Media Kit: Vanessa Weiler and Jerilynn Hoover (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 荣誉奖, Best Reader Promotion Campaign: Vanessa Weiler and Jerilynn Hoover (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 首先, 最佳音频/谈话娱乐节目:《和记棋牌娱乐》(KZLX)
  • 首先, Best Short (sub-3 min) Video/Entertainment: Joe Jinks, “Get the Clip” (KNWT)
  • 首先, 和记娱乐ios和信息短片的最佳使用(少于3分钟):Kirsten Stokes, “FBLA会议”(KNWT)
  • 荣誉奖, Best Video Entertainment Program: Lauren Liberty, “Gentoo” (KNWT)
  • 最佳视频和记娱乐ios广播第三名:凯琳·拜兰德《第八频道和记娱乐ios》
  • 第二名:凯莱布·艾伦,《和记娱乐ios》(KNWT)
  • Second place, Best Video 体育cast, KNWT: Kaylin Byland and Skyler Stamps, “Bearcat Update” (KNWT)
  • Third place, Best Column: MaKayla Polak, “Stop Rewriting History” (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 荣誉奖, 最佳专题(超过四页):密苏里州西北部的员工, “家庭暴力关注月”
  • 最佳突发和记娱乐ios摄影第三名:adalynn Bradbury(《和记娱乐ios》)
  • 荣誉奖,最佳故事片:Addalynn Bradbury《和记娱乐ios》
  • 最佳一般和记娱乐ios摄影第三名:Addalynn Bradbury(《和记娱乐ios》)
  • 首先, Best 体育 Game Story: Wesley Miller, “Never Gets Old” (The Northwest Missourian)
  • 首先, Best 体育 Section: Wesley Miller, 体育 Editor (The Northwest Missourian)
  • Second place, Best Web 体育 Section: Wesley Miller, 体育 Editor (The Northwest Missourian)


Dr. 马克Hornickel

