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Leisha 巴里(右)接替了Dr. Bob 伯勒尔 this summer as president of the 西北的基础 Board of Directors. (Photos by Todd Weddle/<a href='http://hsozhb.sh-fyz.com'>和记棋牌娱乐</a>)

Leisha 巴里(右)接替了Dr. Bob 伯勒尔 this summer as president of the 西北的基础 Board of Directors. (Photos by Todd Weddle/和记棋牌娱乐)


伯勒尔 passes Foundation Board presidency to 巴里 with eye on continued success

As the 西北的基础 Board of Directors sets goals for the next fiscal year and beyond, Dr. Bob 伯勒尔 passed the gavel this summer to Leisha Beckemeyer 巴里, having completed a period that was one of the most successful in the University’s history.

的 西北的基础, 一家501(c)(3)非营利性公司, develops and stewards philanthropic resources for the benefit of 和记棋牌娱乐 and its students. Board members traditionally serve two consecutive three-year terms, and leaders are elected to serve two years in their respective roles. 的 Board meets three times per year on the Northwest campus.

“的 Foundation has risen to the occasion and serves the needs of the University,” 伯勒尔 said. “I think we’re a very important player in its long-term success, and we expect to remain to be an influential force on behalf of Northwest.”

伯勒尔, who joined the Board in 2014 and is active with the Colorado chapter of the Northwest 校友 Association, presided over the 36-member volunteer board during the last two years. 巴里, a board member since 2017 and vice president the last two years, transitioned to her term as president during the Board’s 7月 session while 伯勒尔 becomes immediate past president. 泰德的地方, a 1999 alumnus, is beginning his term as president-elect.

Dr. Bob 伯勒尔 converses with members of the Foundation Board of Directors during their 7月 meeting on the Northwest campus.

Dr. Bob 伯勒尔 converses with members of the Foundation Board of Directors during their 7月 meeting on the Northwest campus.

1970年从和记棋牌娱乐毕业后, 他是Phi Sigma兄弟会的一员, 伯勒尔 enjoyed a career in higher education and student affairs work at the University of Florida, Southern Methodist University and the University of Denver. He then became executive vice president of Cardtronics Ltd., a Denver-based startup company that today operates ATMs in North America and Europe, 并于2012年退休. 

He was actively involved with Northwest’s efforts to gather support and raise funds for the 卡尔和谢丽尔·休斯菲尔德豪斯该酒店于2018年开业. 受到别人对这个项目的捐助的启发, 伯勒尔和他的妻子, 密封, 投入了100美元,000美元用于该项目, 使他们成为建国50国的一员. 他是爱荷华州艾尔山的本地人, he also supported Knacktive’s recent partnership with the Ringgold County Development Corporation. 他已经给了 “先付基金” 除了提供一万五千美元的礼物给 西北奖学金梦之队 保持成员资格 1905年学会.

伯勒尔 guided the Foundation Board to the successful completion last year of the 永远绿色运动, which surpassed its goal by raising more than $55 million for institutional initiatives. 随后, the Foundation Board set its sights on keeping alumni and friends of the University engaged, 尽管面临持续的COVID-19大流行的挑战.

伯勒尔 and 巴里 did so by organizing business meetings and social activities through virtual platforms.

“For over a year, Leisha and I tried to manage the Foundation Board remotely,” he said.
“One of the biggest things that we tried to do in the last year – besides raise money, obviously – was keep the members connected and invested and, 在雷莎的帮助下, 我认为和记棋牌娱乐在这方面做得很好.”

Leisha 巴里 addresses the Foundation Board of Directors during its 7月 session on the Northwest campus.

Leisha 巴里 addresses the Foundation Board of Directors during its 7月 session on the Northwest campus.

巴里 earned her bachelor’s degree in medical technology from Northwest in 1984 and later completed a master’s degree in business administration and management at Rockhurst University in 1990. She retired as a vice president in 2015 from Cerner Corporation, a leading healthcare technology company based in Kansas City, 密苏里州.

此后,她在许多慈善机构的董事会任职, including as the interim director for the Liberty Public Schools Foundation and as president of the Liberty Hospital Foundation. 她和她的丈夫, 肯, supported the construction of Northwest’s Agricultural Learning Center with a $25,000美元的礼物,成为其自耕农协会的成员, in addition to providing a five-figure gift toward the renovation of the Bearcat football locker room. 的y also have supported the University’s “先付基金” and are members of 1905年学会.

As a Northwest student, she was a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. Her sorority affiliation became the connection point and inspiration for 巴里 to join the 西北的基础 Board as she saw alumnae investing their time in advancing the University.

“这当然是一次有益的经历, getting to work with a lot of great people as well as reconnecting with Northwest,巴里说。.

As she transitions to the role of Foundation Board president, 巴里 is aware of the need to continue building and strengthening bonds with alumni and donors that will help Northwest continue to prosper. 的 Foundation Board also will play a role in the University’s process of seeking its next president while supporting Interim President Dr. 克拉伦斯·格林在即将到来的学年. 

和记棋牌娱乐正处于大学的关键时刻,”她说. “和记棋牌娱乐期待着与Dr. Green over the next year and certainly looking forward to what the future holds with a new president coming on board, 太. But really it’s about bringing us back to the mission of the Foundation.”

了解更多关于西北基金会的信息, 包括推荐未来董事会成员的方法, 访问 hsozhb.sh-fyz.com/foundation/ 或拨打660与西北基金会联系.562.1248或浏览 hsozhb.sh-fyz.com/GiveOnline.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

