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News Release

May 13, 2022

Eskew ready to begin teaching career with preparation he gained at Northwest

Adrean Eskew says he tried to take advantage of every opportunity he could at Northwest Missouri State University, and it paid off as he looks toward beginning his career as a special education teacher.

“I felt like a totally different person coming in than I am leaving,” he said.

Adrean graduated May 7 from Northwest with his bachelor’s degree in special education and elementary education. In addition to his coursework at Northwest, he was a member of the Bearcat football team and coached several sports while student teaching in the Maryville R-II School District.

He begins work in the fall as a special education teacher at Maryville high School.

“I'm so excited,” he said. “It has been a long five years, but I’ve really enjoyed every part of it, and I’m ready to start the next chapter of my life.”

Having watched his older brother, Austen, play football for the Bearcats, Adrean developed an affinity for Northwest and wanted to follow his brother to the University.

“Everybody talks about the family atmosphere that Northwest has to offer, but mine quite literally was the reason that I came to Northwest,” he said. “My brother really enjoyed Northwest just as much as I ended up enjoying it, but he truly advocated for Northwest and he was part of the reason that I pushed to come to Northwest.”

Adrean arrived at Northwest, however, with uncertainly about his career aspirations and the area he wanted to study. Yet, a composition course during his second year connected him with Stancy Bond, a senior instructor of English who helped him realize his interest in teaching. “She taught me so many great qualities to possess as a future educator and her willingness to do so much for others was truly inspirational,” he said. “She’s one of the first teachers that comes to mind when I think of somebody who had a big part in what I’m doing today.”

He also recalled his relationships with high school teachers and other mentors during his formative years in Lawson, Missouri. He remembered how he enjoyed assisting classmates with special needs there and wanted to help other students with similar needs.

“I kind of just jumped into education, and I didn’t know how much I would truly enjoy it until I was able to get into education program,” he said. “I was able to learn so many different things and I truly got involved in the community, and I loved it.”

As he found his footing in Northwest’s School of Education, Adrean benefited from its profession-based curriculum, which places students in diverse school settings to apply learning from their clinical experiences on campus.

Because of the education he received at Northwest, Adrean believes he is well-prepared to begin his teaching career.

“It’s not an easy thing to do, teaching in front of other teachers who’ve done it for a long time, but Northwest does a good job of continuing to get you in the classroom so that you’re comfortable being uncomfortable early on,” he said. “Being able to get in a classroom quick is an advantage Northwest has over any school.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215