a - z指数


12月. 11, 2020


和记棋牌娱乐 this month is recognizing 96 employees who have attained milestone years of service at the University.

The cumulative years of service for the recognized employees is 1,285年. Those employees recognized and their years of service are listed below.


  • 杰弗里·安德鲁斯,颗粒厂操作员,设施服务
  • Cathy Barr, assistant coordinator of field experience, School of Education
  • Dr. Rhonda Beemer, 健康与体育副教授, School of Education
  • Paul Bennett, coordinator of leadership and development, Office of Residential Life
  • Brandy Brady, assistant library director for information services, B.D. 欧文斯图书馆
  • Dr. 丹尼斯的情况, 计算机科学与信息系统副教授, 计算机科学与信息系统学院
  • Melissa Chesnut, secretary, 数学与统计学系
  • 汉娜·克里斯蒂安,职业服务中心副主任
  • Amanda Cullin, lieutenant for operations, University Police Department
  • Dr. Nathan Eloe, 计算机科学与信息系统副教授
  • 尼基·法尔科内,设施服务部的保管人
  • Joseph Frueh,学生成功中心的顾问和成功教练
  • Jessi Gard,农业科学学院办公室经理
  • Dr. Arghya Goswami, assistant professor of geology, Department of Natural Sciences
  • Dustin Greenlee, technology specialist, Office of Information Technology
  • Ashlee Hendrix, senior graphic designer, 大学营销与传播办公室
  • Dr. Charles Hoot, assistant professor of computer science and information systems
  • Dr. Nissa Ingraham, associate professor of professional education, School of Education
  • 凯瑟琳·小林,梅尔文公司办公室经理. 和Valorie G. 布斯商学院
  • Erika Lees, assistant director of international affairs, International Involvement Center
  • 克里斯汀·利特尔,招生办公室校园参观协调员
  • 蕾切尔·梅菲尔德,健康服务中心的顾问
  • Charles Mayfield, director, Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance
  • 克里斯汀·佩尔茨,健康服务部副主任
  • Dr. Robert Pippin, assistant professor of music, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
  • Jennifer Pitts, academic success specialist, Student Success Center
  • Wesley Rockwood, web designer, 大学营销与传播办公室
  • Kevin Royal, instructor of agricultural science, School of Agricultural Sciences
  • 拉特莎·鲁伊特,霍勒斯·曼实验学校办公室经理
  • Dr. Devlin Scofield, assistant professor of history, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Brian Swink, instructor of mathematics and statistics, 数学与统计学系
  • 卡桑德拉·塔冯,TRIO导演
  • Beth Wales, human resources specialist, Office of Human 资源
  • Todd Weddle, senior multimedia specialist, 大学营销与传播办公室
  • 玛丽·韦尔奇,场地管理员,设施服务部
  • 辛西娅·威廉姆斯,研究生办公室执行秘书
  • 梅尔文·威辛顿,设施服务部的保管人


  • Dr. 凯西·阿宾顿,梅尔文大学经济学副教授. 和Valorie G. 布斯商学院
  • Stacy Carrick, vice president of finance and administration, Office of Finance and Administration
  • 库尔特·戴维斯,颗粒厂操作员,设施服务部
  • 克林顿·法尔南,设施服务部的保管人
  • 马克Hornickel, communication manager, 大学营销与传播办公室
  • Brooke Hull, human resources generalist, Office of Human 资源
  • Dr. John Katsion, associate professor of communication, School of Communication and Mass Media
  • Dr. Jacqueline Kibler, associate professor of psychology, 健康科学与健康学院
  • Michael Mandrick, technology specialist, Office of Information Technology
  • Dr. Mohammed Meziani, associate professor of chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences
  • 埃文·兰德,健康服务部的助理主任
  • Cindy Rouner, director, Phyllis and Richard Leet Center for Children and Families
  • Lawrence Shackelford,高级工厂操作员,设施服务
  • Dr. 石铁兵,副教授,市场营销学博士. 和Valorie G. 布斯商学院
  • Dr. Rena Smith, senior instructor of chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences
  • 安东尼·威廉姆斯,大学警察局副队长


  • 尼基·布西,辅助服务处的助理处长
  • 大卫·希尔萨贝克,设施服务部的保管人
  • 克里斯蒂娜·马丁内斯,大学警察局警官
  • Connie Murphy, international support specialist, International Involvement Center
  • Dr. Susan Myllykangas, professor of recreation, 健康科学与健康学院
  • Jason Offutt, senior instructor of mass media, School of Communication and Mass Media
  • 詹姆斯·斯科特,工厂操作员,设施服务部
  • Scott Shields, assistant director for operations, Auxiliary Services
  • 德里克·斯瓦尼,颗粒厂操作员,设施服务
  • 乔迪·索瑞纳,采购部采购员
  • 特里·沃格尔,注册主任办公室的注册主任
  • Dr. 詹妮弗墙, 数学与统计学副教授, 数学与统计学系


  • Leslie Abarr-Cuenca, associate director of academic success and retention, Student Success Center
  • 米歇尔·艾伦,自然科学系实验室协调员
  • Dr. 罗兰巴特勒, 健康与体育副教授, 健康科学与健康学院
  • Dr. Wayne Chandler, associate professor of English, Department of Language, Literature and Writing
  • Christopher Drennen, network administrator, Office of Information Technology
  • Dr. 特里·朗,健康科学与健康学院院长
  • Dr. Ahmed Malkawi, professor of chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences
  • 凯伦·钱,设施服务部的保管人
  • Armin Muhsam, professor of art, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
  • Dr. Anthony Olson, professor of music, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
  • Jennifer Schieber,设施服务部的保管人
  • 丹尼·史密斯,景观区主管,设施服务部
  • Michael Stegall,工厂操作员,设施服务部
  • 布伦达Untiedt, 发展数据库, 研究与传播专员, 大学发展办公室
  • 约翰·维奥,设施服务部可持续发展协调员
  • Dr. Rose Viau, Assistant vice president of student affairs and auxiliary, Office of Student Affairs
  • Kenton Wilcox, senior instructor of English, Department of Language, Literature and Writing
  • Amy Wilson, teacher education student service coordinator, Professional Education Unit


  • 莱斯利·切斯纳特,场地管理员,设施服务部
  • Steven Chor, telecommunications engineer, Office of Information Technology   


  • Jeff Bradley, senior instructor of geology, Department of Natural Sciences
  • Lisa Crater,自然科学系办公室经理
  • Sandra Francis, financial assistance counselor, Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance
  • Patricia Holley, KXCV-KRNW节目总监
  • Dr. Bayo Joachim, professor of communication, School of Communication and Mass Media
  • 卡洛琳·约翰逊,外展研究馆员,B.D. 欧文斯图书馆
  • Lori Zech, senior instructor of communication, School of Communication and Mass Media


  • Dr. 科特斯芬克, 数学与统计学副教授, 数学与统计学系
  • 克里斯蒂娜Heintz, 数学与统计高级讲师, 数学与统计学系
  • Dr. Ernest Kramer, professor of music, Department of Fine and Performing Arts
  • 芭芭拉·沃克,工资单经理


Dr. 马克Hornickel

