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News Release

去年秋天,一对学生在美国西北部的学生成功中心一起学习.D. Owens Library. <a href=''>和记棋牌娱乐</a>是与美国州立学院和大学协会合作的五所学院和大学之一,以改进和验证在全国范围内更广泛地使用. (Photo by Amanda Wistuba/Northwest Missouri State University)

去年秋天,一对学生在美国西北部的学生成功中心一起学习.D. Owens Library. 和记棋牌娱乐是与美国州立学院和大学协会合作的五所学院和大学之一,以改进和验证在全国范围内更广泛地使用. (Photo by Amanda Wistuba/Northwest Missouri State University)

Jan. 9, 2020

AASCU awarded $2.和记棋牌娱乐继续在策略上合作,拨款500万美元以提高学生的成功

美国州立学院和大学协会(AASCU)与和记棋牌娱乐合作,完善和验证学生的成功策略,获得了2美元的奖励.5 million, 为期两年的资助,以加速转型并提高其近400所公立大学会员网络的学生成功成果, universities, and systems.

AASCU is one of only 12 organizations to receive the Intermediaries for Scale grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

该奖项是为了支持AASCU新兴的学生成功战略, 哪五个AASCU机构正在帮助改进和验证更广泛的使用. These institutions — which vary in size, 城市化和学生多样性-包括奥斯汀佩伊州立大学(田纳西州).); Bowie State University (Md.); California State University, San Bernardino; Lehman College of The City University of New York; and Northwest.

“AASCU一直接受和记棋牌娱乐州立学院和大学的变革力量,” AASCU President Dr. Mildred García said. “Aligned with our new strategic plan and by harnessing our members’ collective knowledge, 这一机会将支持AASCU有效满足不同学生群体需求的承诺, particularly low-income, first-generation, students of color and/or working adults.”

With the grant, AASCU will focus on four key goals: increasing awareness of successful and promising transformation strategies among campus leaders and communities; informing key campus-level decisions about change options and strategies and supporting decision-makers; supporting transformation by providing guidance and resources for adopting and adapting, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining changes in policy and practice; and building connections across colleges and universities and other supporting organizations to accelerate and streamline learning and sharing of promising practices.

“并不是所有的高等教育机构都有资源开始必要的结构化转型过程,以缩小当前和未来几代学生的成就差距,” García said. “和记棋牌娱乐的机构正在改变学生和他们的家庭,让毕业生成为和记棋牌娱乐全球民主社会的积极公民. 和记棋牌娱乐很荣幸被选中参与这项重要的工作.”

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) is a Washington, D.C.-based higher education association of nearly 400 public colleges, 其成员共享以学习和教学为中心的文化的大学和系统, a commitment to underserved student populations, 他们致力于研究和创造,推动各自地区的经济进步和文化发展.

和记棋牌娱乐去年被选中加入AASCU,以验证AASCU启动学生成功中心的战略. Allison Hoffmann, Northwest’s director of academic success and retention, leads the project on the University’s behalf.

“Northwest’s mission of ‘focusing on student success – every student, “每一天”驱动着和记棋牌娱乐的日常工作,是和记棋牌娱乐文化和精神的核心, 战略规划和预算以及整体组织决策,” Northwest President Dr. John Jasinski said. “With humility, pride and passion, 和记棋牌娱乐期待继续发挥国家领导作用,与AASCU和和记棋牌娱乐的同类机构合作,为更广泛的AASCU成员建立一个大规模的学生成功战略.”

Jasinski added, “As for Northwest, while we have very strong performance across student success metrics, we cannot and must not rest on our laurels. As student demographics shift, 比如2019年秋季新生中第一代学生的大幅增加, 和记棋牌娱乐必须认识到并解决阻碍坚持和完成学业的障碍,以缩小公平差距和大学成绩差距.”

Northwest, 它在学生成功方面一直处于领先地位, 在密苏里州,97%的学士学位获得者和99%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后的六个月内找到了工作或继续他们的教育. 牛津大学非常重视以专业为基础的学习,以帮助学生快速开始他们的职业生涯,并为他们提供机会,在几乎每个学习领域的校园经历中建立他们的 (.

In 2017, Northwest created its own Student Success Center to refocus institutional efforts on transitioning, advising, 支持和连接学生的资源,帮助最大限度地发挥他们的学术潜力,从入学到毕业. The new academic success and retention unit, led by Hoffmann, brought together areas of academic advisement and success coaching; academic recovery; academic support, including tutoring and supplemental instruction; new student orientation; first-year experience and retention support.

As a result, Northwest’s fall-to-fall retention increased to 73.24 percent, a 2-percent increase over the previous three-year average. Last fall, one full academic year after the unit’s implementation, the University’s retention increased to a record 77.97 percent, 7%的显著增长,在全国同类院校中也排在第99百分位. Additionally, 和记棋牌娱乐留校察看和休学的学生人数有所减少, 而在诺埃尔·莱维茨学生满意度调查中,新生的满意度在每个类别中都有所提高.

Furthermore, in October, AASCU授予和记棋牌娱乐在学生成功和大学完成方面的卓越创新奖. The award marked the fourth time in five years, AASCU recognized Northwest with an Excellence and Innovation Award.


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215