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Feb. 28, 2019

Alumnus giving back with gratitude for broadcast experience

Steve Carpenter (Submitted photo)

Steve Carpenter (Submitted photo)

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在35年的职业生涯中,他从和记娱乐ios和广播转向了营销和传播, 史蒂夫·卡彭特感谢和记棋牌娱乐为他提供的准备, 他正在帮助确保未来的学生有同样的机会.

Recently, Carpenter, a 1976 alumnus, decided to give back to Northwest, providing a $45,通过退休年金捐赠给西北基金会,以造福传播与大众传媒学院.

“我感到荣幸和幸运的是,我得到了和记棋牌娱乐这么多好人的帮助、指导和帮助,” Carpenter said. “如果我不做点什么作为回报,我将是一个真正忘恩负义的人. 一想到未来的年轻人会因为交流、讲故事和分享和记娱乐ios的想法而兴奋,我就很兴奋. They don’t even know why they want to do that, but if my forethought can help future generations, that’s great.”

He added, “I had so many wonderful professors. 和记棋牌娱乐非常支持我的氛围为我打开了所有的机会之门.”

Carpenter grew up in the small towns of Harrison County, Missouri, graduating from Ridgeway High School in 1973. 他认为是学校负责人让他选择了和记棋牌娱乐.

“1973年春天的一个早晨,他开车送我到和记棋牌娱乐,并把我介绍给大家,”卡彭特说. “我不知道是行星排成一线,还是他眨眨眼点了点头, but I was visiting the Ad Building, filling out a few forms and … (then-President) Robert P. Foster walked up and just happened to be in the office. We said hello and ‘Well, I hear you’re going to be at Northwest! That’s great!’ It was just like cue the president, here we are.”

卡彭特很小的时候就跟着在日间广播电台工作的阿姨,对广播产生了兴趣. 晚上节目播完后,她有时把画室的控制权交给卡朋特.

“She would take me to the radio station, 在录音室给了我一叠唱片,我忙了大约三个小时,” he said. “I got hooked on radio. 我从里面看到了一个500瓦的日间电台.”

因此,对他来说,在和记棋牌娱乐攻读广播与传播专业的学士学位是一个很容易的决定. 他利用机会在学生经营的KDLX和国家公共广播电台分支机构工作, KXCV. 1974年,他在KXCV的早期日子被证明是美国历史上最臭名昭著的日子之一.

“我开始管理董事会并上KXCV的头几个星期,就在理查德·尼克松宣布辞职的那个晚上, August 8 of 1974,” Carpenter said. “这是我第一次挣到每小时两美元. 我记得打开旋钮,看到国家公共广播电台对尼克松总统辞职的特别报道.”

卡彭特还享受了作为蓝钥匙和和记棋牌娱乐返校委员会成员的经历. He has fond memories, too, of a work-study he completed with Dr. 拉里·莱利(Larry Riley)是一名心理学、社会学和咨询学教授,他是一名视障人士.

“我会在一个小隔间的办公室里读他的教科书,一读就是几个小时, and what a wonderful opportunity,” Carpenter said. “I would read these textbooks, page after page. A few times I would tell Dr. 我问他我读了多少,他会说,‘好吧,你读的是诺姆·乔姆斯基, Steve. 你对他关于语言如何发展的理论有什么看法吗?“回首往事,我不禁莞尔,这些都是多年来语言学领域的伟大思想家, and he’s having me read them on tape.”

Armed with the résumé-building experiences he earned at Northwest, as well as some weekend work at KMA in Shenandoah, Iowa, 1977年,卡彭特在圣何塞的KKJO开始了他的全职专业广播生涯. 他在密苏里州的约瑟夫上夜班,从午夜一直干到早上6点.m. and then produced commercials until 8 in the morning. Quickly, he worked his way up to a dayshift and then mornings. He was appointed music director and finally program director.

在与KKJO的那段时间里,卡彭特回到西北,主持一对舞蹈马拉松. 当他在和记棋牌娱乐的一位导师在电话的另一端, Rollie Stadlman, called KKJO, 在一场大火几乎烧毁行政大楼后的几个小时内请求援助, which included the KXCV studios.

“There was a handoff from pickup to pickup, 和记棋牌娱乐借给他们一堆东西,他们又开始播出了,” Carpenter said. “I have fond memories of that picture and our KKJO DJ setup. 和记棋牌娱乐把它借给他们几个星期,直到他们能买到其他设备,重新开始全职工作.” 

1981年夏天,爱荷华州锡达拉皮兹市的WMT电台聘请了卡彭特. While continuing regular radio shifts there, he earned his master’s degree at the University of Iowa, taking one class at a time.

In 1989, 卡彭特搬到柯克伍德社区学院,并担任KCCK的电台经理,直到1997年结束他的广播生涯. A public relations role opened at the college, and Carpenter accepted it, remaining there until his 2012 retirement.

Today, Carpenter and his wife, 玛丽——他们是在做客他在WMT的脱口秀节目时认识的——住在伯特伦小镇, Iowa, and escape to southern Florida during winter months.

“Whatever steps up the ladder I’ve been able to make in my life, I could not have done it without education. 如果没有优秀的导师团队,我不可能做到这一点,” Carpenter said, crediting mentors that included Stadlman, Sharon Cross Bonnett, Cathran Cushman and Warren Stucki.

“当你去参加全国公共广播电台会议时,他们会说,‘你在大二的时候就上过节目?’我会说,‘是的,我听起来像个大二学生,’”卡彭特补充道. “回到密苏里州北部看望家人让我很温暖,我90岁了.5. I kind of home in on the signal like a beacon, and I hear these young people who are learning, who are getting better every day, 他们正在通过广播和美联社风格手册来解决问题, and you can just hear that learning happening. 我想电台最好的支持者都明白这一点,他们会说, 他说:“这个孩子前途无量,谁知道10年后和记棋牌娱乐会在哪里听到他的声音.”


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215