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Dr. 贝丝格雷戈里

Dr. 贝丝格雷戈里






加入西北航空 2022




  • Ed.D. in 教育al Leadership and Policy Analysis; University of Missouri, Columbia
  • M.S. in Teaching and Learning – Reading; University of St. 弗朗西斯,Joliet
  • M.S. in 教育al Leadership; 和记棋牌娱乐, Maryville
  • B.S. 小学教育, minor in Commercial Agriculture; 和记棋牌娱乐, Maryville


  • 61-107 Ecology and Developmental Foundations of 教育
  • 62-113专业学习社区1
  • 62-119专业学习社区
  • 62-221小学扫盲
  • 62-650 Graduate Elementary Literacy 实习


  • Elementary and Early Childhood Literacy 教育
  • 小学和幼儿数学
  • Pre-Service and Beginning Teacher Experiences and Support
  • 教育al Impact of Violence and Trauma on Students
  • 非传统专上学生
  • Applied Learning Experiences for Pre-service Educators
  • Gender Equity within the 教育al Arena



格雷戈里,B. L., & Botello J. (2020). Educated: A Memoir and the Impact on Teacher Preparation Programs. 国家青少年风险杂志,4(1). 从检索 http://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/nyar/vol4/iss1/7

格雷戈里,B. (2016). A 10-year linear gender equity and salary-trend study: A glance at superintendents’ pathway to the superintendency. 国家社会科学杂志. 48(1), 35-49.


格雷戈里,B. (2013). A 10-Year Linear Gender Equity and Salary-Trend Study Among Missouri Superintendents: A Glance at Missouri Superintendents’ Pathway to the Superintendency. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.


达德利,. & 格雷戈里,B. (2022). Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia: Prevalent Learning Disabilities. National Social Science Association Summer Conference, Virtual. 

格雷戈里,B. & 达德利,. (2021年10月26日至28日). 解码阅读障碍. National Social Science Association Virtual Conference, Virtual.

达德利,. & 格雷戈里,B. (2021年10月17日至18日) 101年阅读障碍. 妇女教育领导会议, 林肯,不.

格雷戈里,B. (2021年7月). Making math meaningful for pre-service teachers through collaboration. 14th International Congress on Mathematical 教育, Shanghai, China.

达德利, & 格雷戈里,B. (2021年3月24日) Early intervention and signs of dyslexia in young children. National Technology and Social Science Real Time Virtual Conference, Virtual.

格雷戈里,B. (2020年10月). Using comprehension strategies to teach reading and math. National Social Science Association Real Time Virtual Conference, Virtual.

格雷戈里,B.哈玛尔,S., & 达德利,. 2月(2020). Going global: Developing international educational partnerships. National Association of Professional Development Schools Conference, Atlantic, City, NJ.

格雷戈里,B. (2019年10月). Using literacy as a connection tool: Helping children who have experienced violence and trauma. International Literacy Association Conference, 新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

格雷戈里,B. (2019年10月). Linking literacy and mathematics: How literacy provides a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts. International Literacy Association Conference, 新奥尔良,洛杉矶.

位哈马尔,年代., 格雷戈里,B., 达德利,., & Bozoian L. 2月(2019). 就给他们一支铅笔! Ridding our classrooms of dehumanizing actions. National Association of Professional Development Schools Conference. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州. 

格雷戈里,B. (2018年10月). Preparing educators for the current needs of today’s students. 妇女教育领导会议. 林肯,不.

Coffelt T.达德利,A., 格雷戈里,B., & 位哈马尔,年代. 3月(2018). Promoting humanity in next generation classrooms: Preparing educators to meet the need. National Association of Professional Development Schools Conference. 佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔.

格雷戈里,B. (2017年8月). Piecing it together: Meaningful collaboration between school districts and universities. 全国社会科学暑期研讨会. 洛杉矶,加州.

格雷戈里,B.哈玛尔,S., & 达德利,. 3月(2017). Changing of the guard: How leadership roles can create changes in professional development schools. National Association of Professional Development Schools Conference. 华盛顿特区.C.

达德利,.哈玛尔,S., & 格雷戈里,B. 3月(2017) Good to GO: Communicating with Graphic Organizers. National Association of Professional Development Schools Conference, 华盛顿特区.C.

格雷戈里,B. & Chaille J. 3月(2016). Making the most of screen time: Using technology to enhance reading readiness in early childhood classrooms. National Technology and Social Science Conference. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州.

格雷戈里,B. (2015年10月). Brain based gender differences: Helping each student reach full potential. National Social Science Professional Development Conference. 新奥尔良,洛杉矶. 

格雷戈里,B. (2015年7月). Communicating with children about violence: How high quality literature promotes resiliency. International Literacy Association Conference. St. 路易斯,莫.

格雷戈里,B. 3月(2015).  Gender equity within the superintendency: A 10 year mixed methods study. National Technology and Social Science Conference. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州.

格雷戈里,B. 3月(2015). Youth at risk: How to discuss violence and trauma. 全国风险青年会议. 乔治亚州萨凡纳.

英格拉,N. & 格雷戈里,B. (2014年4月). 初级ELL中的实时字幕. National Technology and Social Science Conference. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州.

格雷戈里,B. & 英格拉,N. (2013年10月). Women superintendents: Wages and prevalence. 妇女教育领导会议. 林肯,不.


Botello J. & 格雷戈里,B. (2019年10月). Role of social emotional learning: Tools and strategies to build self-efficacy in classrooms. Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher 教育 Conference, Lake Ozark, MO.

Botello J.科赫,M., & 格雷戈里,B. (2019年4月). Loving Kaitlyn: A case study with trauma informed tools for the classroom teacher. Child Abuse: Prevention, 教育, and Investigation Conference, St. 约瑟夫,莫.

阿,Bogdon. & 格雷戈里,B. 2月(2019). Science, math and engineering practices: Facts vs. 发现. Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary 教育 Interface Math and Science Conference, 密苏里州奥塞奇海滩.  

格雷戈里,B. (2016年11月). Promoting positive beginnings: Preparing our youngest learners in math. 密苏里州早期教育会议. 密苏里州奥塞奇海滩.

Chaille J., 格雷戈里,B., & 达德利,. 2月(2016). Making content count: Bringing learning to life. 写作学习会议,密苏里州奥塞奇海滩.

格雷戈里,B. (2015). The early years: The learning styles of boys and girls. Missouri Association for the 教育 of Young Children State Conference, Jefferson City, MO. 

格雷戈里,B. & 达德利,. 2月(2015). Taking the leap: Educating pre-service teachers with iPads. 中西部教育技术会议. St. 路易斯,莫.

格雷戈里,B. 2月(2013). 孩子们的疯狂数学. 青年农民和牧场主会议. 密苏里州奥塞奇海滩.

格雷戈里,B. (2012年11月). 让数学变得有趣. Missouri State Teachers Association Convention. 密苏里州堪萨斯城.


  • 小学教师,2级nd 年级,堪萨斯城公立学校
  • 小学教师,K-4, St. 约瑟夫学区
  • English Language Arts Content Expert, Iowa E-Learning Project
  • 助理教授, Missouri Western State University
  • 格雷斯兰大学助理教授